Is a balance board good for your core? (Answered)

By Rob Toneward •  Updated: 01/20/22 •  7 min read

Balance boards have been used to improve the stability of those with a range of impairments, from stroke patients to people recovering from an ankle sprain.

But there’s more! Balance training has also been shown to increase both core strength and balance confidence.

That means you can use a balance board for pain relief as well as injury prevention, all while improving your posture and coordination skills.

Some people might think that it sounds like too much work or they’re not sure how often they should be using one- but don’t worry; we’ve got some great tips on getting started below!


Is a balance board good for your core

Is a balance board good for your core?

In short, using a balance board helps to strengthen the deep stabilizing muscles of the trunk.

When you’re standing on a balance board, your body needs to work hard to keep itself balanced- and it’s these small muscle contractions that build strength over time.

We all know that a strong core is great for improving your sports performance, but it also helps to reduce low-back pain.

In addition, those who have been diagnosed with poor posture often find that daily activities become difficult as their body adapts to a long-term ‘slouched’ position.

The good news is that after regular use on a balance board, their core strength helps to correct their posture.

Do core muscles affect balance?

Core muscles help your balance in several ways.

The first is by helping you to maintain your center of gravity over the center of your foot, or axis of balance.

Secondly, having strong core muscles will also help you to resist movement in unwanted directions- which is why using a balance board regularly can improve muscle memory and control.

How long does it take to strengthen your core?

Typically, you can expect to see results from a balance board workout in around four to eight weeks.

Your muscles will become accustomed to the regular movements involved with balancing on a board, and this will improve your overall stability- both physically and mentally.

But, don’t worry- you won’t get bored of using it.

Even if your muscles become accustomed to the workout, you’re still training your brain and nervous system to adapt to a new and unusual position.

That means that each time you go on the board, you’ll be working out muscles that may not have been worked before – which will keep things interesting!

How often should I use my balance board?

If this is your first time using a balance board, we recommend starting off with just two minutes per day and increasing your time as you feel comfortable.

You can choose to use it whenever it’s most convenient for you – for example, during TV commercial breaks or when reading an article online like this one!

However, you can also use it for both your warm-up and cool-down routines.

That means that if you’re going to the gym anyway, it’s a great way to improve strength and balance before/after your workout.

What is the best way to use a balance board?

There are many different ways that you can use your balance board during your daily routine.

Designate at least 15 minutes each day for strengthening your core muscles, and remember to use it whenever you can.

You could stand on the board while brushing your teeth, hanging up washing, or waiting for tea to boil.

To get started, try some of our top tips!

1) Try standing with one foot on the board while making dinner; this will help you to maintain good posture throughout the meal preparation process.

2) Use it while watching TV- whether that’s during commercial breaks or when waiting for a show to start (just make sure you don’t fall off if someone knocks at the door)!

3) It’s also great for walking around in small spaces like your office or kitchen, as it will help to improve concentration and focus.

4) Try using it together with your children to have a little fun while getting fit at the same time!

5) A balance board is great for beginners, but if you’re looking for a new challenge after a few weeks of regular use, why not try balancing on one leg while you work out?

Can you get abs from a balance board?


Regular use of a balance board will strengthen the abs, but it’s important to remember that there is no substitute for a healthy diet and an effective abdominal workout.

If you really want to get in shape, don’t forget about your cardio- there are always ways to tone up when you add in some extra work on top of your core exercises!

To summarize: using a balance board can help you with both preventing injuries and correcting posture.

It improves stability and builds core strength by working small muscles within the torso you just wouldn’t be able to target with sit-ups alone.

In addition, it’s a cheap way of reducing low-back pain.

How long should you stand on a balance board?

A balance board should be used according to your fitness level and the intensity of the workout.

If you’re a beginner, start by spending no more than 10 minutes on it each day- at first, this will feel like a long time and you may find that your muscles begin to ache after about five minutes.

However, as your core becomes stronger, you can increase both the length of time and the duration of each session until you eventually work your way up to an hour or more per day (if desired).

Are Balance Boards safe?

Balance boards are a popular piece of equipment in the rehabilitation world because they can be used without causing too much pressure on injured joints.

However, it’s important to remember that there is still a small risk of injury if you choose to use one regularly- so it’s essential that you take this into consideration before you start your balance training.

Beginners should aim to spend around 10 minutes per day working on their balance and stability using a balance board.  

It may feel like a long time at first but you should try to increase this gradually until you reach an hour or more if desired.  

Always stop exercising if something starts to hurt.    

Remember: working out regularly will not only improve core strength but also reduce low-back pain.

What type of balance board is best?

It’s a good idea to go for a balance board that is the right size and made from sturdy material.

Make sure, too, that it includes non-slip grips so you can perform your exercises safely.  

Finally- consider whether you need to invest in some equipment for your balance board.  

Some boards include ankle straps, others come with a ‘fitness ball’ or other accessories that can be used for abdominal exercises alongside the main balancing exercise.

Balance Boards are safe for most people.  

However, beginners should remember that they are not without their dangers and risks of injury – so it is essential that users check with their doctor first before attempting any physical activity.

The above guide provides simple advice on how often you should use these boards-, but if you do start, make sure to allow at least 10 minutes per day before increasing this gradually over time until you reach 60 minutes or more (if desired).  

Useful tools include ankle straps, non-slip surfaces, and fitness balls.

Finally, there are a variety of balance boards available on the market that vary greatly in size and sturdiness.

Consider investing in one that is suitable for your weight and includes a safe surface to reduce your risk of injury while exercising.

Final Thoughts

A balance board is an excellent alternative for your core exercises.

If you’re looking for a way to strengthen and build your ab muscles- especially if you’re recovering from an injury- then it’s definitely worth considering a balance board.

There are a variety of balance boards available on the market that vary greatly in size and sturdiness.

Consider investing in one that is suitable for your weight and includes a safe surface to reduce your risk of injury while exercising.

Rob Toneward