How can I improve my sup balance? (Use these tips!)

By Rob Toneward •  Updated: 12/21/21 •  7 min read

SUPing is a sport of balance and endurance, which means you need to work on both skills.

The best strategy for improving your SUP balance is to just keep practicing and challenging yourself in different (but safe) conditions.

As you keep up with this practice, gradually your SUP balance will improve.


Does paddle board need good balance?

Paddleboarding does require good balance, especially when doing more advanced tricks and maneuvers.

However, if you are just starting out and are working on improving your balance, there are a few things you can do to make it easier.

There are a few things you can do to improve your SUP balance:

• Practice in different (but safe) conditions – as you keep challenging yourself, your balance will improve.

• Use a wider stance – this will help create more stability on the board.

• Stay focused – it’s easy to lose focus when paddling, but keeping your eyes on the horizon or the spot you want to start paddling to will help keep you balanced.

• Lean back – this can be counterintuitive, but leaning your upper body slightly backward will help prevent the board from tipping forward and help you stay in a more stable position.

Is it hard to balance on a SUP?

For the most part, balance on a SUP is just like any other balance-based sport – it takes some practice but you will get the hang of it.

That said, there are a few things that can make balancing on a SUP more difficult:

• Wind and waves – these can make it harder to stay stable on the board.

• Paddling in a straight line – this can be challenging if you’re not used to balancing while moving.

• Cargo–carrying gear or passengers on the board can make it harder to stay balanced.

How long does it take to learn how to balance on a paddleboard?

Like any other skill, balance takes time and practice to master.

However, if you are patient and put in the effort, you can improve your SUP balance relatively quickly.

In general, it takes most people a few tries before they feel comfortable standing and paddling on a paddleboard.

With time and practice, you will be able to do more advanced tricks and maneuvers.

Can you lose your balance on a paddleboard?

Yes, it is possible to lose your balance on a paddleboard.

This can happen for a number of reasons, such as wind and waves, paddling in a straight line, or losing focus.

If you start to feel like you are losing your balance, try to regain stability by doing one of the following:

• Putting more weight on your front leg

• Pushing the paddle down in the water, bringing it closer to your hips

• Leaning forward slightly.

What things make it easier to balance on a paddleboard?

A wider stance, keeping your eyes focused on something in the distance, and staying calm and relaxed are all helpful for improving your SUP balance.

If those aren’t working for you right away, using a longer paddle is also another great way to create stability as you practice balancing on your SUP.

While no one starts out with perfect balance (if they do they may just be supernatural), stick with it and challenge yourself in different conditions and you will see vast improvements in no time.

SUPing is a great way to improve your balance and enjoy the outdoors at the same time!

Why can’t I balance on my paddleboard?

If you can’t yet balance on your paddleboard, don’t worry – it takes practice and patience.

Keep trying different stances and conditions to help improve your SUP balance.

When out paddling, try focusing on the horizon or a certain point in the distance to help keep yourself balanced as you practice improving your strength and posture.

How to improve standing stability?

As mentioned above, working on your lower body and core strength and improving your SUP balance will help keep you stable while you stand up paddleboard.

You can also use a longer paddle for stability – this is especially helpful if you find that balancing on one foot is too tiring or tiring too quickly.

Using a longer paddle is another way to help improve your SUP balance.

Experiment with these techniques as you go out for your next paddleboarding session!

How can I improve my sup balance?

In order to improve your SUP balance, start by practicing in different conditions.

This can mean paddling out in choppy waters or trying to stay upright in rougher waves.

As you get better at this, you can challenge yourself further by paddling out into open water or even doing tricks!

Ultimately, the key to improving your SUP balance is simply practice and patience.

With time and dedication, you’ll be able to conquer any SUP obstacle.

Yoga can help your SUP balance!

Yoga is great for improving your SUP balance.

In addition to helping you stand more easily on a board, it will also improve your overall strength and flexibility – both of which are essential for general fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

If you’ve been thinking about adding another form of exercise into your routine, try going to a few yoga classes to help improve your SUP balance!

Using a balance board

A balance board is a great way to improve your SUP balance.

This type of board is designed to help you improve your balance and stability, which can then help you as you work on standing and paddling on a SUP.

If you have access to a balance board, try using it for a few minutes before your next paddleboarding session.

You may be surprised at how much this helps improve your SUP balance!

If not check out the best balance board for SUP training here.

What if I fall off my paddleboard?

Don’t worry – falling off a paddleboard is not the end of the world!

In fact, it can be quite fun (and a little bit scary) to do.

Make sure you are wearing a life jacket and paddle close to shore if you are a beginner – this will help minimize the risk of falling off your board.

If you do find yourself in the water, take a few deep breaths and relax – getting back on your SUP will take time and practice, but eventually, you will be able to do it like a pro.

What if I can’t balance on my paddleboard?

If you are having trouble balancing on your paddleboard, try using a longer paddle.

This will help create more stability for you as you work on improving your balance.

In addition, focus on keeping your eyes on something in the distance to help center yourself and stay focused.

Practice in different conditions and stances to get the most out of your SUP experience!

Final Thoughts

The key to improving your balance for SUP is simply practice and patience.

With time, dedication, and effort you will be able to conquer any obstacle on the water.

Yoga can also help improve your stability as well!

If you want more information about how yoga can aid in this process or what type of board can give you added stability while standing up paddle boarding, reach out to us here at Balance Board Shop today!

We’re confident we have just what it takes to make sure paddling is not only fun but enjoyable too – no matter where you’re headed next.

Don’t forget if there’s a specific balance board you’re looking for reach out to us here at Balance Board Shop today!

Rob Toneward